What's All This Then

Why should I care what this guy has to say?

The correct answer is that you shouldn’t. We’re all entitled to our opinions. Develop your own. I try to be sane and rational, but that may change with the level of caffeine intake. I’m just telling my stories in the hopes they may amuse and/or inform others. And... I Confess... I'm showing off my bitchen collection a bit.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Let's Meet.....

Buddy Holly left The Crickets (before that plane crash by the way).  They needed a front man.   Bobby Vee was a teen idol who really was a rocker at heart.   Hey - let's meet!

Bobby Vee Meets The Crickets  (Liberty 1962)

The result is a pretty decent run through of some rock and roll classics.

Later Bobby Vee met The Ventures

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