What's All This Then

Why should I care what this guy has to say?

The correct answer is that you shouldn’t. We’re all entitled to our opinions. Develop your own. I try to be sane and rational, but that may change with the level of caffeine intake. I’m just telling my stories in the hopes they may amuse and/or inform others. And... I Confess... I'm showing off my bitchen collection a bit.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Annoying Paul

So John Lennon could get away with being political, why not Paul McCartney?   In 1972, the same time Lennon was doing Sometime in New York City, Paul McCartney attempted to make a political statement about the struggles in Northern Ireland.   He released this single credited to his new 'band' Wings.

The BBC didn't take kindly to the record in defiance of UK politics.  It was promptly banned and sank on the charts.  The Americans didn't care too much for it either.

McCartney (or Wings as he was now known) followed up with a single they thought would be safe for the BBC.  Unfortunately, the McCartney pedigree was not enough to make the most annoying single in all of Beatledom a success.

Some purists may have issue with the allusion to the fact that Wings wasn't a real band.  This single supports my stance.  Any real band would have told their 'leader' there was no way this should be put out.  I doubt if the drummer ever said to Paul 'play your bass differently to fit with my fills better' 

The only person who seems to have made out here is our little cover model. She shaved the lamb to make a fashionable wool cloak.  Then she traded the lamb meat for a bitchen ride.

So following all this, Wings comes back with one of their best singles.  Alas, this one was also banned on the BBC because of the perceived drug references.  Or maybe because there were lyrics like 'I want you to lie on the bed and get ready for my funny gong.'   Or maybe it was 'I'm gonna to it to you mama.  Gonna do your sweet banana.'   You never know.  'Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll' in a single is apparently more successful than nursery rhymes or political posturing.  It was a hit in the USA.

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